What is the Difference Between Quartz and Quartzite?
Quartz and quartzite are two popular countertop choices, but not the same material. They offer different looks, durability, care, and value before making your selection. This guide examines the countertops of quartzite and quartz and the various strengths and weaknesses. Quartz and quartzite, two high-end quartz countertop materials, are often confused that retailers may interchangeably use them. But the homeowners who decide between the two should know that the materials vary in composition, appearance, maintenance, and durability. Read on to compare two similar countertop materials — quartz against quartzite — to help you select the perfect surface for your remodel.
Quartz vs. Quartzite Components
Here’s a quartz and quartzite comparison to help you decide what material is right for your bathroom or kitchen countertop project.
One material cannot be said to be more attractive than the other because it is subjective for each one of us. Quartzite is usually found in grey to white. The iron oxide in the stone is a result of pink and red hues.
The presence of other minerals results from yellow, blue, green, and orange quartzite. Regardless of the quartzite color, its formation will be caused by different pressure levels and the random presence of iron oxide or other minerals. Quartz is available in a much wider range of colors to take into consideration because pigment can be added. The formulation of the countertop material gives it the appearance of natural stone like granite or marble.
Hardness and endurance
Quartzite is harder than granite, and therefore very durable. It is very well resistant to heat. Quartz is also difficult but not as hard as quartzite. In quartz countertops, the resin is plastic, which makes it likely to melt in heat over 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Quartz has a benefit from quartzite, it is less likely to be dented and chipped because it is more flexible. The sharp objects can scratch both countertop materials and use a cutting board.
Maintenance countertop:
very little maintenance is required for quartz. It wipes clean with a moist towel. Abrasive cleaners, which are not needed, shouldn’t be used on quartz. The main advantage of quartz countertops is easy maintenance over quartzite. In any event, it is advisable, as with all countertops, to use cleaners for your surface type.
Quartzite needs a lot more. It must be screened and unscreened once or twice a year before use. Stains can penetrate the stone without a proper seal. This is a weakness that every natural stone, including granite and marble, shares. When properly sealed, cleaning quartzite is easy.
Quartz and quartz countertop price
The prices for these two countertop types are similar. The material is approximately 60 dollars per square foot but mostly exceeds 100 dollars and can cost considerably more.
Quartzite will cost more in complex jobs. Quartz can be poured into a mold for virtually any shape. In a process that takes time and skill, quartzite must be cut with diamond blades. The more complex the job, the higher will be the cost of quartzite per square foot. Like most countertop facilities, finding a reputable contractor is a great idea.
The bottom line in appearance is that quartzite is your choice if you want the natural stone. You will find it in quartz if you want a more varied selection of colors and patterns.