The History of CNC Machining

The history of CNC Machining begins with the invention of the computer numerical control, or CNC, in 1963. The CNC machine uses a computer to aid in the machining process. It allows for more precise parts and increased efficiency.
The CNC machine wasn’t created until later in 1963, though. Fritz Zwicky worked on a prototype of the CNC machine in the 1940s. His work was never finished and was not used for decades. The successor to his design came from John Parsons and Charles “Pat” Danforth working at North American Aviation (NAA). Their first CNC machine and its design were used to produce the Atlas missile.
The 1950s and 1960s also saw the introduction of two other types of CNC machines, core machines and transfer machines. Core machines make holes by means of a drill bit attached to a spindle (a spinning motor). Transfer machines use plungers to plunge into a partially formed hole to remove material.
The CNC Machining process improved over the decades, eventually allowing for faster and more reliable machining than ever before. Machinists now use Computer-Aided Machining (CAM) to program their CNC machines instead of just using g-codes. This programming is done on a separate computer and then loaded to the CNC machine.
As technology progressed, CNC Machining became easier and more efficient. It allowed for a higher quality of manufacturing in a shorter amount of time. Today, most manufacturing companies use CNC Machining to produce their parts.
There are many types of CNC Machining, including milling, turning, wire cutting, and lathing. Each type has its own unique properties that give it different advantages in the manufacturing process. Milling is one of the most widely used types of CNC machining because it can be used for both roughing and finishing operations. Machinists use CNC mills to create features like flats, threads, grooves, and slots. Turned parts can produce many different shapes depending on how the part is engineered. Machinists use CNC turning machines for threading, knurling, profiling, and grooving. Wire cutting uses an electrical current to break wires into smaller pieces. Machinists use CNC wire cutting machines to cut steel. Lathes are cylindrical tools with a spindle that is used to hold the work piece while rotating it against various tools. Machinists can use lathes for profiling, grooving, knurling, and screw cutting.
The history of CNC Machining is an important part of any Manufacturing and Machinery Company’s knowledge base. The more you know about how your business began, grew, and thrived, the more you can learn from it and improve its success in the future.
The future of Machining is unknown, but the history of Machining has been a long and successful one. Machinists will continue to revolutionize the business by improving CNC Machining techniques and altering their design as technology progresses. Machinists will continue to improve machining quality and grow their businesses.
For more information on CNC machining services, contact Amtec Solutions Group located in Huntsville, Alabama. They also offer machining services to surrounding areas.